Monday, October 13, 2008

Question #6- Scarlet Letter

Hester's attitude at the beginning of the novel was very secretive about the scarlet letter's meaning. She felt very out of place toward how everyone was treating her. In the beginning of the book, she let the scarlet letter get to her. She would stay in the house and stitch nice dresses (Chapter5)for Pearl in stead of going out and showing the town what she could do. As Hester and Pearl walked the streets, they would receive looks of disgust and people would say that the demon child was holding the hand of the adulterer. Hester thought about Pearl, and how she would feel when she was old enough to make friends. This is one reason why she didn't tell Pearl about the scarlet letter(Chapter 15), but the other reason was she felt she was too young to understand. When the minister and Hester had a conversation in the forest, (Chapter 16)Hester became a person who told the minister that they should break out of being the freaks of the town. She took off her letter and let her hair down. By doing this, she influenced the minster to write a sermon that not only talked about God, but talked about his feelings. Hester was ready for a change, but Pearl did not recognize her becausee the scarlet letter was what she knew her mother as. At the end of the novel, the minister died when he told Hester and Pearl to come walk with him in the recession.
Me,Eric,Kamille,Dylan,Matt,Cody and Michael are in my group

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