Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Comparison of Incidents and Fredrick Douglass

Both of these stories were very very good. The similarities of the two were they both happened in slavery. Fredrick Douglass' story leaned toward education and how he got to where he is now. It was like a different time in slavery for him during his story because he was able to talk to the little white kids without getting beaten for speaking. Incidentsleaned toward emotions and feelings between a man and a woman at that time in slavery. A slave girl could not be with a free negro because it was part of some of their rules. The master had to determine who was goiung to marry who, as in taking the role of a father like they do in Rome and Greece. A life story was in Incidents as well because the girl talked about her mother, the mistress and her grandmother. She explained to us that her mother and her favorite mistress died, so she felt that she had no one to really turn to but her grandmother.
love was talked about in Incidents because from it being a girl's point of view, it most likely was expected. Douglass told us about how he learned to read and write and in between the lines he proved to us that as a black male slave, he accomplished part of his dreams. Slavery in the setting of these stories was not harsh, but had its rules here and ther. Incidents forced slavery a little more than Fredrick Douglass.

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