Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Their Eyes Were Watching God Quote

"Janie soon began to feel the impact of awe and envy against her sensibilities. The wife of the Mayor was not just another woman as she had supposed. She with authority and so she was part of it in the town mind."(Hurston, p.46)
Janie was the mayor's wife and soon realized that she had some things to work on. There were certain things that she could not say and do that would reflect the life that her and her husband live, which will question Jody's ability as mayor. She has a responsibility with running the store her husband set up and by the way the men were staring at her, she had to change her appearance. She did not feel like herself when Jody became the mayor, because then it was a drastic change in his personality.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...

why is this so short? I even gave you extra time to complete it.