Sunday, November 16, 2008

APA Bibliography on Pediatric Nursing

Feeg, Veronica D.(2008,July&August). Mentoring for leadership tomorrow: Planning for
succession today. Pediatric Nursing, 34, 277-278.
Feeg writes about pediatric nurses enrolling in a mentoring program of
shadowing the nurse who are entering “the golden years”. She feels that
PN Leadership Fellows, mentoring program, for future pediatric nursing should be guided by the ones who have the most experience to answer
questions and concerns. The argument of this article is that this program
will provide support, direction, and personal career counseling
assistance. Most likely every future nurse will go through something
similar to this whether it is shadowing or mentoring, I will be ready to
listen to the advice of the nurses who have gone through what I have yet
to expect and be aware of the pros and cons of pediatric nursing.
Griffin, Ruth A; Polit, Denise F; Byrne, Mary W.(2008,July&August). Nursing
characteristics and inferences about children’s pain. Pediatric Nursing, 34,
The purpose of this article is to describe pediatric nurses’ responses toward children’s pain. Nurses were mailed surveys about three hospitalized students who have experienced pain and their task is to check the level of pain in the patients to know how much analgesia is to be given to them. The flaw about this idea for the article was that if a nurse makes a mistake on how much medicine should be given to the patient, they get documented for it and the patient has to suffer whether the medicine works or not. I guess it was to test the nurses’ knowledge about medicine, but the doctor should have been the one tested, not the nurse. This shows that anyone can be penalized in he medical fields based on the schooling that you have approached. Learning something new can make someone else either better or worse is what I have realized.
Gorman, Mary; Borovies, Dianne L.(1985,May-June). Comparative nursing hours
in tertiary pediatric facilities. Nursing Economics,3,146-151.
In this article, it talks about pediatric facilities having nurses work long
hours because of the intensive care their patients need. The National
Association of Children’s Hospitals operates the cost of pay for hours
the nurses put in. The argument in this article is to recognize the
dedicated nurses who put in time to do their jobs faithfully. As someone
who has to stay very long hours at work to take care of disabled children,
they have a lot of patience. I guess when money comes into play, anybody
do extra for a little more cash. I am not sure if I could be that kind of nurse
to work in the hospital; I would prefer a physicians’ office, there it is
quieter and a little less stressful.
Halfer, Diana; Graf, Elaine; Sullivan, Christine.(2008,July&August). The organizational
impact of a new graduate pediatric nurse mentoring program. Nursing Economics,
26, 243-249.
In this article, studies were taken under a pediatric medical center to compare job satisfaction and retention of new graduate nurses. It tells how successful mentoring programs are to the new graduate nurses and how it designs professional support toward the nurses advancing in their jobs. The argument was actually was whether the mentoring programs for the new graduate students worked or not. I think they did considering the fact that everyone who enrolled in the program considered the job and only a few changed their minds to do something else in the medical field. A mentoring program is what I will get myself into soon because I want to really make sure that this is the job of my choice.
Hong, Susan S.; Murphy, Susan O., Connolly, Phyllis M.(2008,July-August).Parental
satisfaction with nurses’ communication and pain management in a pediatric
unit. Pediatric Nursing, 34,289-293.
A study was performed on the pediatric unit of a tertiary care teaching
hospital. Some surveys were given to parents of each patient to evaluate
the staff. The parents responses were good according to the people who
read over them who work as the head of the hospital. Communication
between the nurses’, doctors’, and patient’s is the most important when
you visit a hospital. This article made me realize that a survey can say a lot
of things about your personality, the kind of service you provide, whether
or not you get to keep your job. It has taught me even when I have had a
day, someone is always watching your every move. Pediatric nursing is
what I would like to do with my life and I am ready for the ups and
Hurd, Jeanne Lemal.(1972,August-September). A new perspective on head start health
care. Health Services Reports, 87, 575-582.
Hurd writes in this article that all children should get the same amount of
health care form this Head Start Facility. She believes that even low-
income families should receive the same amount of health care. Food,
clothing, and housing are given to the families of children, but their
health should be the first thing on the list of things to take care of. By
organizing Project Head Start, she hopes the dilemma faced by public
health programs will be solved. I would be delighted to be a part of a
program like this ti help the less wealthier families. Making sure that
others are happy and feeling well is my number one priority.
Jennings, Pamela D.(2005,May-June).Providing pediatric palliative care through a
pediatric supportive care team. Pediatric Nursing, 31,195-200.
This article is about how the committee of Pediatric Pallative Care needs
to establish care for the children with life threatening illnesses. They
are looking for an outcome of more patient and family satisfaction; along
with a decrease of patients dying. What I particularly didn’t like about this
article was that it kept repeating on the diseases and deaths of children in
the area and how they were going to make a change. It kind of depressed
me a little to keep reading about how unsatisfied families were with the
kind of service they received. About nursing, there are a lot of emotional
struggles you have to get through. Life has a lot of emotional struggles and
because of that I will keep my head up when I walk in on my first day and
realize that it is a great opportunity to help others in need.

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